You have been accepted into the 2018 program.

The QBFactory has been proven to be very successful in developing quarterbacks since 1999. Now it is your turn to work harder than ever to prepare yourself for your upcoming season.


QBFactory is a semi-private progressive training service. You will receive the personalized attention needed to become a better quarterback. You will learn to process and execute with the confidence needed in today’s game.

Please download and fill out the registration and credit card authorization form below.  You have only up to 14 days as of receipt of your acceptance email to register. We work under a “first come, first serve” basis. Send in the completed registration form, along with your payment, ASAP to reserve your spot.

Please contact us if you would like references or have any questions.

Coach Chris Baucia
National Director – QBFactory
Owner – Chesapeake Sports, LLC

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”

Click on form to download


– You have up to 14 days as of receipt of your acceptance email to register

– All payments are non-refundable

– Times of sessions will be announced when registered

– Failure to make a monthly payment may result in a collection agency report and penalty charge

– Coach Baucia and QBFactory staff do all position training

– Semi-private Programs are divided into Grades 3-5 (Youth} Middle School, High School, and College. QBFactory reserves the right to place all players into groups

– Semi-private Session: Approx. 10 players to 1 coach & 60-75 minutes long

– All rates will be adjusted after January 1st

– Discounted rates will not be available after January 1st

– References available upon request

– All players must have agreed to online waiver

CANCELLATION POLICY: There are NO cancellations. ALL registration payment plans are contracts/agreements to pay balance in full. If payment plan arrangement is not met, we hold the right to send the balance to collections for payment.